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This is an old, archived certification structure

  Certification structure

(Consensus as of Nov 18, 2011 in green below.)
(New features in red.)

Level 1 (20 hrs. suggested instructional time)
  - "keeping up", entry level focusing on basic etiquette skills
- examine the 'what', 'how'
- face-to-face instructions
- only written exam (50 computer-based, multiple-choice questions), no practicum
- optional continuing education

Level 2 (40 hrs. suggested instructional time (5 hrs for exam), equivalent to 3 credits in university)
  - "fluency", generally effective command of etiquette skills
- examine in-depth and breadth 'what', 'how'
- examine the theory, i.e. 'why'
- face-to-face instructions
- innovative activity:
       - a self-made video doing good
- online learning supplement:
       - case studies
       - video discussions from experts
- written exam (50 computer-based, multiple-choice questions), and local practicum (local for candidates, that is)
- continuing education, done online, say once a month, to maintain certification

Level 3 (IITTI will tabulate the number of years of continuing education beyond the initial Advanced Certificate, such as +1, +2, +3,... of years of continued learning to employers.)
  - "refined", reinforcing outcomes through real-world interactions
- focus on cultural and moral refinements
- innovative activity:
       - evaluate self-made videos from Level 2 candidates
- online learning on self-cultivation:
       - music appreciation
       - golfing etiquette
       - tennis, baseball appreciation
       - yoga, taichi appreciation
       - ethics, moral readings
- overseas practicum (at one of our centres in Canada, USA, Europe or Singapore), no written exam

  Continuing Education
- done online, for example, every month they would need to watch something like a TED talk by Devdutt Pattanaik related to global understandings and culture tolerance. Something that would expand the horizon of an Advanced Certificate holder in terms of enhanced image.

- Something about our humanity. Titled "Help Each Other & Love Each Other. Never Stop Sharing." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8tzswROt70&sns=em

- Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie talks about the injustice of stereotyping

- University of California, Berkeley's Paul Piff talks about how to instill a sense of compassion and equality

- Sam Richards: A radical experiment in empathy

- Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader

- Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

- Some videos just don't really need translation

- The Good Country from 8:20-9:43 Simon Anholt

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