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Apr 25, 2014 Meeting agenda

6:30 am Vancouver (Pacific time)

Please note: we are going to use conference line

Call 1-559-670-1000 (Canada) 1-209-255-1000 (US) +31-(0)20322-3050 Netherlands (sorry there is no dedicated number for Chile or Singapore – would suggest using the USA number)

Participant: 446046# (please remind Kimberly to record the call and end recording)

Revised Final Agenda

  1. Approve Discussion points from March 7, 2014 meeting

                       see https://www.IITTI.org/guru/meetingOutcomes_Mar07_2014.htm

  2. Review Riet's spread sheet (December 20th,2013) of gender-based exam questions

  3. Progress report on action - Directors to review and provide feedback to Riet & Lynne on gender based questions and next steps for finalizing question pool.

  4. Progress report on action - Lynne and Deborah to develop draft outline/ template and checklist for Advisory service including draft questions for client needs analysis.

  5. Progress report – Patrick to report on marketing strategy Steps 1 "Interview Diplomacy" after interviewing a Fortune 500 company.

  6. Discuss and finalize suggested marketing strategy (tabled at March meeting) to introduce, expose and gain adoption of IITTI concept to AICI colleagues.

  7. Conclude and finalize tabled & online discussion re: S&G pricing for:

                       - end-users – not open

                                    Reason: maintain training opportunities for consultants

                       - image consultants – open

                                    Reason: least barrier for adoption within industry

                       - non-related companies – not open

                       - affiliates – for fee

                       - distinguished partners – free

  8. Continue with September 4th, 2013 agenda items 2-4 and 7-9

                       see https://www.IITTI.org/guru/meetingAgenda_Sep04_2013.htm

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