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Aug 27, 2014 Meeting agenda

IITTI Agenda - August 27, 2014

6:30pm – 8:30 AM (Vancouver) Pacific Time

Please note: we are going to use conference line

Call 1-559-670-1000 (Canada) 1-209-255-1000 (US) +31-(0)20322-3050 (Netherlands)   Access code 446046# (sorry there is no dedicated number for Chile or Singapore – would suggest using the USA number)

Participant: 446046# (please remind Kimberly to record the call and end recording)

  1. Approve discussion points from Aug 7 meeting

  2. Progress Report

    1. Analytics – Patrick has completed redesign of Analytics (emailed Aug10). Now students can print it out with the look and feel of a report, not a web page printout.

    2. Standards & Guidelines (S&Gs) distribution – We have leveraged on Sylvie di Giusto's "Image Consultant Expert Group" to help distribute S&Gs. Result: over 20 downloads.

    3. Self-Test tool – defining it as diagnostic tool, not an educational tool. Focus on helping multinationals (MNCs) in setting up different campaigns in-house. Patrick will make educational video.

    4. Testing centres – we have partnering centres in Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle, Atlanta, Sacramento, San Jose, New York. Also building 2 centres in Malaysia!

    5. MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) – we are invited by Udemy to apply for their "Social Innovation Grant". Draft proposal being worked on by Riet, Lynne, Patrick.

  1. Continued tabled discussions:

    1. Finalize Requirements for taking exam

                         Should we allow people to challenge the exam or require proof of education?

  1. Continue with September 4th , 2013 agenda items 2-4

      1. Clarify – what is volunteer service vs. what is paid service? Need to create a policy for this.

                               (See Item 3, 4 below)

      1. Finalize Governance Organizational Structure IITTI and Volunteers

        1. Current IITTI member categories - Finalise Roles/ Responsibilities/ Rights/ Rewards / Accountability

          1. Founding Directors/ Executive Director

          2. Ambassador     (Ambassador's role discussed circa Jun28,2013.)

        2. Discussion - Additional suggested volunteer role (Associate)

          1. Do we want to add additional membership categories? Yes?/ No? – Why?

            1. If yes – Finalize Associate role in ET Structure Responsibilities/ Rewards/ Accountability/Rights
              (Associate's role discussed and finalized during Apr25,2014 meeting:

        3. Does this finalized structure coincide with current bylaws and governing documents?

      2. Finalize Organizational Structure for IITTI Hired Guns -Titles/ Job descriptions/ Service Fees / Accountability/ Rights

        1. Current IITTI Hired Guns
          - Greenwood (with Alliance Global Advisory)
          - Proctor (level 1, 2, 3)

        2. Discussion – Additional suggested hired role (Regional Administrator)

          1. Do we want to add additional paid service role Yes?/ No? – Why?

            1. If yes – Finalize job description - Responsibilities/ Service Fees Structure/ Accountability

        Item 4 was finalized during Dec20,2013 meeting: https://www.IITTI.org/guru/meetingOutcomes_Dec20_2013.htm#costStructure
    1. Continued tabled discussions:

      1. Marketing to Trainers/ AICI Discuss and finalize strategy for creation & implementation of a marketing plan/ campaign (tabled at March meeting) to introduce, expose and gain adoption of IITTI concept to (AICI colleagues) -Image and Etiquette Professionals

        Initial Ideas List
            1. Introductory teleclass

            2. AICI CEU webinar

            3. AICI Conference 2015

      2. Level 1 Question Pool evaluate level 1 questions and consider keeping basic skill ones and move more advanced questions to level 2

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