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Dec 20, 2013 Meeting agenda

Reference materials:

  1. Business Strategy 2013 (see intranet "Meeting notes" Sep26,2013)

  2. Update on online discussion re: exam pricing (intranet Sep4,2013 agenda item 6).

    Gist: introductory offer for individual exam fee of $95 for individuals and

    $75 for group rate of 20 or more participants

  3. Update on online discussion re: S&G pricing (for latest discussion see Riet's email Dec5)



end-users - not open

       Reason: maintain the training opportunities for image consultants

trainers - open

       Reason: least barrier for adoption within industry.

corporations - not open

       Reason: they can't use the "raw" S&Gs anyway.
       We should build the commercial versions for sale to businesses.

  1. Update on online discussion re: Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI



1. get anchor multinationals

2. workshop/concurrent session at AICI conference

Revised Final Agenda

  1. Approve discussion points below from November 21st meeting

  2. Confirm and Approve completion of action steps from last meeting

  3. Discussion: Recent news

    (Honda, British Chamber of Commerce, marketing contents, etc) (Patrick)

  4. Finalize, vote and approve Finalize costs and cost structure for level 1 exam.

    (#5 on Business Strategy -working copy)

  5. Conclude online discussion- Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI

    (Christina and Lynne)

  6. Conclude and finalise tabled & online discussion re: S&G pricing

  7. Continue with September 4th agenda items 2-4 as time allows

  8. Schedule meeting dates for January and February 2014

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