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Mar 7, 2014 Meeting agenda


  1. Review and approve discussion points and amendments below from January 28th, 2014 meeting

  2. Conclude and finalise tabled & online discussion re: S&G pricing

  3. Continue with September 4th, 2013 agenda items 2-4

  4. How should we introduce IITTI to AICI colleagues - Patrick

  5. Review Riet's spread sheet (December 20th,2013) of gender-based exam questions

Amended Feb 25, 2014 from mainly Lynne's and Christina's input

  1. Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI

Agreed on using a "Virtual Logo Diplomacy" tactics to approach HRs:

Step 1.1 Notify them that we found an interesting article or video of them, and have posted it onto our site for our IITTI audience.

Step 1.2 Follow-up with an interview for clarification and elaboration.

Step 1.3 Post the follow-up interview on our site and name them a "Supporter of Image and Etiquette Competencies” tagline: Organizations that use and value image and etiquette training

Step 2: highlight the self-test tool where we can offer statistical analysis via: a company field (i.e. a specific training code)

Step 3: suggest becoming an "Affiliate" with benefit of volume discount if repeated customer tagline: Organizations that have used the IITTI professional image and etiquette testing services

Step 4: suggest being among the "First 25 Distinguished Partners". Tagline: Organizations that have used the IITTI professional image and etiquette testing services with over 500 employees


- Post Partner logo on IITTI website

- Preferential discounts on group test fee rate

- Annual advisory services

- S&G document for in-house reference guide


- Success stories

- 500 and over employees tested

  1. Marketing Idea to Gain Image Consultant Adoption of IITTI

(Same as Step 4 as tactics for HRs above: "First 25 Distinguished Consultants")

  1. Team agreed the tagline should be:

"Setting the highest global standard for professional image and etiquette"

  1. Christina further suggested the use of the word "Competency":

"IITTI provides Standards and Guidelines for HR training, adult learning and curriculum development as well as the assessment of image and etiquette competencies within organisations."


Actions Steps due for March Meeting:

  1. Action: Directors to review and provide feedback to Riet of gender based questions emailed by January 7, 2014.

  2. Finalize discussion re: S&G pricing with consideration to target markets

  3. Patrick to update Intranet with meeting minutes/ documentation formatting and web changes

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