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Nov 21, 2013 Meeting agenda

Meeting Agenda: November 21, 2013 Agenda

6:30 am Vancouver (Pacific time)

Please note: we are going to use conference line

(Back up number just in case) Call 1-559-670-1000 (Canada) 1-209-255-1000 (US) +31-(0)20322-3050 Netherlands

Participant: 446046# (please remind Kimberly to record the call and end recording)

Revised Final Agenda

  1. Approve discussion points from October 8th meeting

  2. Status report and Approve completion of action steps below

  3. Finalize & vote approve IITTI Basic Level 1 Standards & Guidelines

  4. Finalize & Approve edited - Trainer FAQ’s & Student FAQ’s

  5. Finalize, vote and approve #5 on Business Strategy (working copy) Finalize costs and cost structure for level 1 exam.  

  6. Christina/Lynne Singapore HR partnership initiative

  7. Continue with September 4th agenda items 2-4 as time allows

  8. Finalize 25+ new test pool questions

Action Steps due for November Meeting:

  1. Complete incomplete actions from Sept 26th meeting:

    1. Directors to review and provide feedback to Lynne’s rework called TRAINERS FAQS of Student FAQ section of the IITTI website for finding a trainer into resource for steps to take for due diligence rather than specific trainers emailed by Christina by October 31st. Lynne will work with Patrick to finalise. Completed FAQ’s will be emailed back to Directors prior to Nov. meeting for final review and vote for approval at Nov. meeting.
      (Finalized version sent out a day prior to Nov meeting by Patrick)

    2. Deborah to merge pg. 25,25,27 of learning outcomes sections Good Manners- Everyday into Section: Business Mistakes and other applicable sections by October 31st and email changes to Directors. Director will provide feedback based on Deborahs request. Deborah will finalise sections and submit for vote of approval at Nov. meeting. Item’s that fall outside of business etiquette will be removed from section and kept separately on file for possible future uses.
      (Finalized version sent out a day prior to Nov meeting by Patrick)

    1. (If not completed) All Directors read through 25 new additional questions and add comments for discussion and approval or rework at next meeting.
      (Not done yet as of a day prior to Nov meeting)

  1. Riet will review all current and pending additional 25 level one business personal appearance questions and separate gender specific questions.
    (Draft version sent out a day prior to Nov meeting by Riet)

  2. Patrick will work with Riet and Greenwood staff to coordinate task of separating gender specific questions and updating exam and required technology.
    (Not done yet as of a day prior to Nov meeting)

  3. Lynne & Christina will reformate and reword IITTI Basic Level 1 Standards & Guidelines to enhance document credibility to trainers and public. Kimberly and Patrick will assist if needed. Final doc will be sent to Directors by October 30th for vote of approval at Nov. meeting.
    (Finalized version sent out a day prior to Nov meeting by Patrick)

  4. Kimberly will start email discussion re: #5 on Business Strategy (working copy) Finalize costs and cost structure for level 1 exam. (goal to vote to finalize at Nov. meeting)
    (Email discussions done prior to Nov meeting: main concern was whether we can breakeven with discounted fee)

  5. Patrick to update Intranet with meeting minutes/ documentation and web changes
    (Done prior to Nov meeting)

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