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Aug 27, 2014 Meeting Outcomes

6:30pm – 8:30 AM (Vancouver) Pacific Time

Please note: we are going to use conference line

Call 1-559-670-1000 (Canada) 1-209-255-1000 (US) +31-(0)20322-3050 Netherlands (sorry there is no dedicated number for Chile or Singapore – would suggest using the USA number)

Participant: 446046# (please remind Kimberly to record the call and end recording)

  1. Approve discussion points from Aug 7 meeting

  2. Progress Report

    1. Analytics – Patrick has completed redesign of Analytics (emailed Aug10). Now students can print it out with the look and feel of a report, not a web page printout.

    2. Standards & Guidelines (S&Gs) distribution – We have leveraged on Sylvie di Giusto's "Image Consultant Expert Group" to help distribute S&Gs. Result: over 20 downloads.

    3. Self-Test tool – defining it as diagnostic tool, not an educational tool. Focus on helping multinationals (MNCs) in setting up different campaigns in-house. Action: Patrick will make educational video.

    4. Testing centres – we have partnering centres in Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle, Atlanta, Sacramento, San Jose, New York. Also building 2 centres in Malaysia! Patrick reported that at these testing centres there is no required minimum number of test takers at a sitting. Based on this new information, directors agreed to reverse previous decision to require a minimum number of test takers at a sitting. Test taker minimums / maximums will be based on testing site requirements.

    5. MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) – we are invited by Udemy to apply for their "Social Innovation Grant". Draft proposal being worked on by Riet, Lynne, Patrick. Directors agreed that the timing is not good for this initiative, as it will cause us to loose focus on from priorities.

    6. Riet suggested slide share might be an alternative to MOOC through Udemy. It was agreed that a sub-committee would be formed to look into using slide share as a platform to market to corporate / end users. Patrick & Riet to lead Lynne, Deborah & Kimberly agreed to help. Action: Patrick & Riet lead Slide Share sub-committee

  1. Continued tabled discussions:

    1. Finalize Requirements for taking exam

                         Should we allow people to challenge the exam or require proof of education? Directors agreed that test-takers should not be required to have business etiquette training prior to taking the exam, if they choose not to. Anyone who is willing to pay the fee and travel to a testing centre will be allowed to sit for the IITTI Level 1 Exam.

  1. Continue with September 4th , 2013 agenda items 2-4

      1. Clarify – what is volunteer service vs. what is paid service? Need to create a policy for this.

                               (See Item 3, 4 below)

      1. Finalize Governance Organizational Structure IITTI and Volunteers

        1. Current IITTI member categories - Finalise Roles/ Responsibilities/ Rights/ Rewards / Accountability

          1. Founding Directors/ Executive Director

          2. Ambassador     (Ambassador's role discussed circa Jun28,2013.)

        2. Discussion - Additional suggested volunteer role (Associate)

          1. Do we want to add additional membership categories? Yes?/ No? – Why?

            1. If yes – Finalize Associate role in ET Structure Responsibilities/ Rewards/ Accountability/Rights
              (Associate's role discussed and finalized during Apr25,2014 meeting:

        3. Does this finalized structure coincide with current bylaws and governing documents?

      2. Finalize Organizational Structure for IITTI Hired Guns -Titles/ Job descriptions/ Service Fees / Accountability/ Rights

        1. Current IITTI Hired Guns
          - Greenwood (with Alliance Global Advisory)
          - Proctor (level 1, 2, 3)

          Directors re-confirmed that for IITTI non-volunteer work the Alliance members as stated in the Alliance agreement would have the title 'Global Advisors'.
          (Job description for 'Global Advisors' under Greenwood umbrella.)

        2. Discussion – Additional suggested hired role (Regional Administrator)

          1. Do we want to add additional paid service role Yes?/ No? – Why?

            1. If yes – Finalize job description - Responsibilities/ Service Fees Structure/ Accountability

        Item 4 was finalized during Dec20,2013 meeting: https://www.IITTI.org/guru/meetingOutcomes_Dec20_2013.htm#costStructure
    1. Continued tabled discussions:

      1. Marketing to Trainers/ AICI Discuss and finalize strategy for creation & implementation of a marketing plan/ campaign (tabled at March meeting) to introduce, expose and gain adoption of IITTI concept to (AICI colleagues) -Image and Etiquette Professionals

        Initial Ideas List
            1. Introductory teleclass

            2. AICI CEU webinar

            3. AICI Conference 2015

      2. Level 1 Question Pool evaluate level 1 questions and consider keeping basic skill ones and move more advanced questions to level 2
        Discussed question pool. Riet set up a drop box to make it easier to share files. The following actions to be complete by September 20, 2014.

        Action: Riet, Lynne & Lillian agreed to work on and refine non-finalised personal appearance questions.

        Action: Lillian will continue to create additional questions for all categories based on the S&G Guide.

        Action: Kimberly will go through and refine non-finalised behaviour questions

        Action: Deborah will go through and refine all non-finalised dining questions

        Action: Christina will go through all finalized questions and categorize them into Level 1 & Level 2

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