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Dec 20, 2013 Meeting Outcomes

  1. Approved discussion points from November meeting.

  1. Riet advised Directors that she emailed a spread sheet (December 20th) some of the gender based exam questions and is asking for feedback from the alliance before completing this task. Thanks Riet!

    • Action: Directors to review and provide feedback to Riet of gender based questions emailed by January 7, 2014. (Riet resend spread sheet and reminder after Christmas)

  1. Patrick confirmed that all documents with the IITTI Basic Level 1 Standards & Guidelines have been changed to reflect the new name- IITTI Level 1 Standards & Guidelines

  1. Patrick presented discussion about received IITTI unsolicited publicity, marketing additions to website and experience talking with UBC Engineers. Thanks Patrick!

  2. Discussed and identified IITTI’s target market:

      1. HR Community

        1. Early adopters

        2. Multi-nationals

      2. Recruitment companies (placement agencies)

      3. Corporate Etiquette trainers (AICI, etc.)

  1. Discussed level 1 costs and cost structure for exam. Patrick brought forward that rather than introducing at a discounted price we should be focusing on marketing the message “create a more civil society”. We should focus attention on early adopters. Price that is too low will not be seen as valuable product. Riet suggested that $95 will not cover costs and we need to cover costs. $150 will be more sustainable. Christina, Deborah, Lynne and Kimberly agreed that our target market will see as more valuable and can afford it. Lynne suggested that ‘Distinguish Partners’, would fit in nicely with this target. Kimberly suggested that we need to have a set price for everyone and offer incentives rather than changing prices in view of public. It was agreed that the first level exam fee would be $150.00 (Canadian?). (It is US$. Patrick)

  1. Discussed cost structure Level 1 Exam (draft) posted by Patrick on Greenwood's intranet.

    • Discussed breakdown of hard costs (section title: "fixed expenses"). It was decided that all costs were reasonable. However ‘Regional Administrator’ would be a discretionary role to be approved by Directors on a case-by-case basis. It was agreed to invite Lilian to act as Regional Administrator for Latin America. As such, the cost would be classified as part of the "discretionary expense" section:

Total Discretionary Expenses $80/ student

IITTI Fund*                                                         $55/ student
Discretionary Expenses (Regional Admin.) $10/student
Alliance Global Advisory Fee*                       $15/ student

* IITTI Fund: used by directors for advocacy such as public relations, ad campaigns, business related travel – i.e. face-to-face meetings, etc.

Alliance Global Advisory Fee: Collected by Greenwood and paid to Alliance based on alliance agreement for their advisory work with Greenwood Canada in servicing IITTI.

    • Discussed how to cover unforeseen associated costs such as travel- Board determined that a disclaimer would be added to advertised exam fee to reflect the possibility that additional associated costs (i.e. travel) may be charged to the exam host - i.e company; university; etc. This would be only on a case-by-case basis to cover unforeseen administering costs such as venue, travelling of proctor, etc. (Completed on Jan10,2014 by Patrick)

    • It was agreed that for an exam to be administered/ proctored there must be a minimum of 20 exam takers registered.

  1. ‘Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI’.

    • Lynne suggested that one way to off-set costs would be for Early Corporate Adopters to become Distinguished Partners. They would get a volume discount but pay travel expenses for the Proctor.

    • Riet suggested that multi-national Early Adopters may be interested in sponsoring the IITTI exam for emerging companies in emerging geographical regions.

    • Due to time, it was decided to table this topic as a priority item for the next meeting.

Actions Steps due for January Meeting:

  1. Action: Directors to review and provide feedback to Riet of gender based questions emailed by January 7, 2014. (Riet please resend spread sheet and reminder after Christmas)

  2. Continue online discussion re: Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI in preparation for next meeting.

  3. Continue online discussion re: S&G pricing with consideration to target markets

  4. Patrick to update Intranet with meeting minutes/ documentation formatting and web changes (Completed Jan08,2014 by Patrick)

Next meetings

January 28, 2014 6:30 am Pacific Standard Time

March 7, 2014 6:30 am Pacific Standard Time

Please note: we are going to use conference line

Call 1-559-670-1000 (Canada) 1-209-255-1000 (US) +31-(0)20322-3050 Netherlands

Participant: 446046# (please remind Kimberly to record the call and end recording)

Draft Agenda

  1. Approve discussion points above from December 20th meeting

  2. Confirm and Approve completion of action steps above

  3. Conclude online discussion- Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI (Christina and Lynne)

  4. Conclude and finalise tabled & online discussion re: S&G pricing

  5. Continue with September 4, 2013'sth agenda items 2-4 as time allows

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