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Feb 3, 2012 Discussion about "do good" videos in our scope

Discussion between Lynne, Patrick, Riet, Deborah, Christina about the feasibility and purpose of asking certificate candidates to create a "do good" video. Date: between Jan31-Feb3,2012.


Jan 31, 2012 from Lynne

Sorry I wasn't sure what you meant by Level 2 students creating videos. It's a great idea but would they need extra skills to make the video look acceptable? If I attempted a video, you can be assured that I would fail the test at this point! Can anyone elaborate on the idea or speak to the feasibility?

Feb 2, 2012 from Patrick

In terms of making a "do-good" video, I am quite confident that our target audience would have the resources to make a decent-quality video. (You can try going to something like YouTube to see what young people can do with fairly simple cameras nowadays.)

The video could be as simple as holding a door open for the people behind you at the mall, or lining up at a ticket counter. The idea of the video is to get candidates to go through the thought process in storyboarding, designing and creating a short say 2-minute video clip, acting out a good deed for the world to see.

In terms of feasibility, Greenwood will build the necessary software to allow Level 3 candidates to give feedback to the Level 2 videos. In turn, we will rate the Level 3 candidates' feedback.

One may ask, "Isn't this a silly exercise?" Answer: Not that silly if you have seen some of the REALLY "silly" videos on YouTube that's got thousands of visitors! Humor aside, young people (and sometimes the not-so-young) are wasting millions of hours of otherwise productive time on these YouTube clips. It is the culture these days, unfortunately. What we are asking them to do will put their time to good use!

Our target profile (20-30 year-olds) are some of the prime segment of the population with the know-how and enthusiasm in expressing themselves (and sharing with friends) through their own creations.

When they created a video and share with their friends, we would be helping their community in cultivating a culture that is more aware of the importance of etiquette, civility and decorum. In turn, it could have a viral effect that prompt more interests in people to go through the IITTI certification.

Yes, in the end, it is a shameless self-promotion for IITTI...in a good way! :)

Is it too wacky an idea?

Feb 3, 2012 from Riet

I love this idea. Those YouTube videos can also be used as examples in training sessions or added as links to our open source information bank. After some time all topics might be covered by visuals online. Open source as Patrick wants it. Fabulous idea. I think students will have fun creating these movies.

Feb 3, 2012 from Deborah

I love this idea, too! It is a relevant, fun, interactive way to get our target group talking about IITTI and this subject matter. I also see it having true global reach.

Feb 3, 2012 from Christina

Yes, I think this will be interesting and useful.

Feb 3, 2012 from Lynne

I agree the video idea would make a fun project as long as we are not evaluating the quality per se, just the content. To me, this would be a great Level 3 curriculum because in our taxonomy the highest skills are Synthesis/Evaluation/Creation.

Feb 3, 2012 from Patrick

OK! Thanks for your prompt feedback about the video.

Thanks Lynne for asking great questions!

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