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Jul 8, 2014 Meeting Outcomes

July 8, 2014 meeting recording: http://rs3104.freeconferencecall.com:80/fcci/cgi-bin/play.mp3/14418447-12.mp3

  1. Approved Discussion points from April 25, 2014 meeting

  2. Personal Appearance Question Pool - Reviewed Riet's spread sheet V3 Sent July 8th. Directors discussed what is needed. Lynne agreed to work with Riet to organize, determine gaps and continue to build question pool of gender-based exam questions.

Action: Riet & Lynne will continue to refine at a glance to use as a tool to analyse gaps and needed gender based questions for question pool. They will also work on additional questions for pool.

  1. IITTI Analytics Report’ Directors continued discussion about ‘IITTI Analytics Report’ for Level 1 exam and reconsidered previous discussion that it be offered free to groups of 21 test-takers or more. It was decided that since it would be of interest to anyone taking the test, it would be provided to all test takers free of charge. A second more in-depth group Analytics report would be developed and submitted to HR upon group exam completion.

Action: Directors to redesign draft questions for info-graphic report(s).

Action: Patrick – Greenwood team will develop the report for automation by the end of August.

  1. IITTI Self-Test Report ‘ Directors discussed the purpose of Self-test basic report. It was determined that a basic report should be automated through email to provide correct answers. It was also determined that the emailed report should form part of a marketing strategy to get test-takers interested in the Level 1 Basic exam and ultimately take the test. Patrick, Christina and Kimberly to form a taskforce to brainstorm email marketing strategy as part of the basic report and bring suggestions back to Directors.

Action: Christina, Patrick, Kimberly scheduled to meet July 18th via skype. Report back to Directors

Action: Patrick’s team to develop self-test basic report and to be determined marketing tactics.

  1. Gender Based Questions: Directors continued to discuss Gender based testing as an internal feature and reconfirmed their agreement. Directors agreed that Action: action to relook at question pool under the following guidelines would be done after appearance question pool is complete.

(Level 1 question guidelines - What would a university graduate to someone lower middle management need to know. What’s not appropriate rather than the executive look? Or what are the basics that someone would need to know? Level 1 questions should contain basic lower level details.)

Directors discussed adding more questions to the question pool. It was agreed that future questions should reflect the Level 1 S&G Guidelines. Lilian offered to work on creating additional questions for the question pool.

Action: Lilian to create additional questions for question pool (Appearance, Behaviour, Dining Etiquette and submit to Patrick and appearance questions to be submitted to Riet and Lynne.

  1. IITTI Tagline (Finalised)the global standard for professional image and etiquette"

Action: Patrick to update IITTI material to reflect new tagline.

  1. S&G Guide Pricing for the public Discussed S&G pricing for non-trainers. Directors agreed that S&G guide should not be distributed to the public free of charge. It was agreed that it would only be available to Companies as part of a bundle package with an exam commitment. Patrick agreed to put together a suggested bundle like along with pricing, requirements, etc. and submit it to the Directors for approval. Christina suggested that the S&G Guide be watermarked as a deterrent for copying and redistributing the guide in its current form. Directors agreed.

Result: S&G Guide Pricing

Etiquette Trainers: Complementary

Corporate Clients: Available only as part of Bundle (to be determined)

Public & Individual Test-takers: Not available

Action: Patrick to submit proposed bundle and parametres for Director approval by July 26th .

Action: Patrick to place watermark on all pages of IITTI Level 1 S&G Guide for distribution.

Tabled Discussions:

    1. Marketing to Trainers/ AICI Discuss and finalize strategy for creation & implementation of a marketing plan/ campaign (tabled at March meeting) to introduce, expose and gain adoption of IITTI concept to (AICI colleagues) -Image and Etiquette Professionals

Initial Ideas List

      1. Introductory teleconference for Trainers/ AICI

      2. AICI Conference 2015

    1. Finalize Requirements for taking exam (create policy and update student guide if needed) https://www.IITTI.org/forStudents/IITTI_studentGuide_Dec10_2012_rev5.pdf

      1. Should we allow people to challenge the exam or require proof of education?

    1. Level 1 Question Pool create strategy for evaluation of level 1 questions to be considered basic skill level more advanced questions to be moved to level 2

  1. Continue with September 4th, 2013 agenda items 2-4

Updated Results: 3B is now complete

  1. Discuss incomplete action steps to form strategy and timeline for completion (see below)

July Ongoing On-line Discussions

Q&A Teleclass for Trainers

Discussion start date June 2014: initial marketing via informational Q&A teleclass for Trainers. Discussion was not concluded.

IITTI Associate Role & Responsibilities (Strategic Alliance)

S&G Guide: Online discussion about requiring a signed agreement for non-distribution of the S&G guide. Christina and Lynne presented some wording. Patrick has some concerns. Discussin I ongoing.

Next Meeting , August 7, 2014 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Pacific Time

Draft Agenda August 7, 2014

  1. Approve discussion points from July meeting

  2. Progress Reports on Actions steps from July meeting

  3. Report and discuss next steps for online discussions

  4. Continued tabled discussions:

    1. Marketing to Trainers/ AICI Discuss and finalize strategy for creation & implementation of a marketing plan/ campaign (tabled at March meeting) to introduce, expose and gain adoption of IITTI concept to (AICI colleagues) -Image and Etiquette Professionals

Initial Ideas List

      1. Introductory teleconference for Trainers/ AICI

      2. AICI Conference 2015

    1. Finalize Requirements for taking exam (create policy and update student guide if needed) https://www.IITTI.org/forStudents/IITTI_studentGuide_Dec10_2012_rev5.pdf

      1. Should we allow people to challenge the exam or require proof of education?

    1. Level 1 Question Pool create strategy for evaluation of level 1 questions to be considered basic skill level more advanced questions to be moved to level 2

  1. Continue with September 4th, 2013 agenda items 2-4

Next Scheduled Meeting: August 7, 2014 1:00 AM Pacific Time.

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