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Mar 7, 2014 Meeting Outcomes

  1. Approved discussion points from Jan 28's meeting.

  1. Reviewed amendments to “Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI”.

  1. Patrick added clarification to “Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI” as an initial marketing strategy. Directors developed this strategy further and approved the following marketing strategy:

Approved Marketing Strategy 1 - Gain HR Adoption of IITTI

Goal: to expose IITTI concept to HR’s with the goal of gaining adoption and ongoing use of IITTI certification as an affiliate organization.

Step 1: Expose IITTI concept through initial contact and dialogue using "Interview Diplomacy" tactics to approach HRs:

  1. Research companies who are already doing soft skill training. Posted their relevant article or video onto our site for our IITTI audience.

  2. Follow-up with an interview for clarification and elaboration.

  3. Post the follow-up interview on our site, and notify them. Recognize them as "Supporter of Image and Etiquette Competencies”

tagline: Organizations that use and value image and etiquette training

Step 2: Follow-up with organization providing information about IITTI tools and services i.e.:

  1. Highlight the free self-test tool where we can offer statistical analysis via: a company field (i.e. a specific training code)

  2. Provide information about IITTI standards and guidelines and certification process

  3. Provide information about ‘Affiliate’ client privileges

Step 3: "Affiliate" (Repeat Client)

tagline: Organizations that have used the IITTI

professional image and etiquette testing services


  1. 8% discount if repeated with more than 20 test-takers at one sitting

  2. Standards and Guidelines document for in-house reference guide

  3. Fee-based advisory services to provide a plan for enhancing and improving soft skills with the goal of improving future testing results. Advisory service fee US$500.00/hr

Action: Lynne and Deborah to develop draft outline/ template and checklist for advisory service including draft questions for client needs analysis. Directors to review and finalize at next meeting.

Step 4: "First 25 Distinguished Partners”

tagline: Organizations that have used the IITTI

professional image and etiquette testing services

with over 500 employees.


  1. One of "25 distinguished partners"

  2. Post Partner's logo on IITTI website

  3. 15% discount on group test fee rate if more than 20 test-takers at one sitting

  4. 20% discounted annual advisory services

  5. Complementary S&G document for in-house reference guide


- Success stories

- 500 and over employees tested

Action: Patrick to test marketing strategy steps 1-3 with a company such as Zappos and report back to Directors.

Action: Patrick to create a case study describing his experience and success along with a template with scripts for future team marketing and sales campaigns.

Directors agreed on IITTI Positioning Statement:

IITTI provides Standards and Guidelines for HR training, adult learning, curriculum development and assessment of professional image and etiquette competencies. "

(This is to be put on our website as mission statement)

Actions Steps due for April Meeting:

  1. Lynne and Deborah to develop draft outline/ template and checklist for advisory service including draft questions for client's need analysis. Directors to review and finalize at next meeting.

  2. Patrick to start work on market test Marketing Strategy 1 - Gain HR Adoption of IITTI

  3. Directors to review and provide feedback to Riet & Lynne on gender based questions, and next steps for finalizing question pool.

  4. Continue discussion re: S&G pricing with consideration to target markets

  5. Patrick to update intranet with meeting minutes/ documentation formatting and web changes

Next Meeting April 25, 2014 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM Pacific Time

Draft Agenda

  1. Confirm the action steps above

  2. Conclude and finalize tabled & online discussion re: S&G pricing (from Patrick's email Dec02,2013):

- end-users - not open
Reason: maintain the training opportunities for image consultants

- trainers - open
Reason: least barrier for adoption within industry.

- corporations - not open
Reason: they can't use the "raw" S&Gs anyway. We should build the commercial versions for sale to businesses.

  1. Continue with September 4th, 2013 agenda items 2-4 and 7-9 (see below)

  2. Discuss and finalize suggested marketing strategy (tabled at March meeting) to introduce IITTI concept to AICI colleagues (Patrick)

  3. Review Riet's spread sheet (December 20th,2013) of gender-based exam questions, and Riet's & Lynne's initial before September question pool and after September questions.

  4. Patrick progress report - Marketing Strategy 1

Sept 4, 2013 agenda items 2-4 and 7-9:

  1. Clarify – what is volunteer service vs. what is paid service? Need to create a policy for this.

  1. Finalize Governance Organizational Structure of IITTI and Volunteers

    1. Current IITTI member categories - Finalise Roles / Responsibilities / Rights / Rewards / Accountability

      1. Founding Directors / Executive Director

      2. Ambassador (complete – Lilian yes. Further discuss before others. See intranet notes)

    1. Discussion - Additional suggested volunteer role (Associate)

      1. Do we want to add additional membership categories? Yes?/ No? – Why?

        • If yes – Finalize Associate role in IITTI Structure Responsibilities / Rewards / Accountability / Rights

    1. Does this finalized structure coincide with current bylaws and governing documents?

  1. Finalize Organizational Structure for IITTI Hired Guns -Titles / Job descriptions / Service Fees / Accountability / Rights

    1. Current IITTI Hired Guns

- Big 6 Alliance (Title needed) (Answer: Global Advisers + Greenwood)

- Proctor (level 1, 2, 3)

    1. Discussion – Additional suggested hired role (Regional Administrator)

      1. Do we want to add additional paid service role Yes?/ No? – Why?

        • If yes – Finalize job description - Responsibilities / Service Fees Structure / Accountability

(Item 5, 6 completed)
  1. Finalize requirements for taking exam (create policy and update student guide if needed)

    1. Should we allow people to challenge the exam or require proof of education?

  2. What’s still needed before launch Level 1 Exam?

  3. Action steps / responsibilities and timeline to launch Level 1 Exam

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