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Nov 2, 2012 The HR Manual

Nov 1, 2012 from Patrick

Thank you for giving high praise to the HR Manual.

I have been "secretly" bouncing ideas back and forth with Deborah: now that we have finished with our internal review, how about asking for opinions and feedback from each of our personal HR contacts about this manual? This may give the perfect "excuse" to approach HR people in getting to know what we are doing and how they can have early participation in the shaping of this document.

And if they agree, we could add their names to the document revision credit.

Nov 2, 2012 from Deborah

I finally was able to review the manual, and it is excellent! I think it reads well and explains our purpose fully. I would recommend we do not use gender specific language to describe an image consultant. On page 4, 5A we may want to reword to say he or she. While the majority in our industry are currently female, there are also men and we hope to see their numbers expand.

What I had shared with Patrick was it may be useful to create a short statement that would introduce this manual to HR ensuring that we are all speaking with the same voice. We could easily pull out the key points from the entire manual for this purpose. Unless we create interest and value quickly, most people are not going to read the document and that would be unfortunate. In business, we all are so busy that things like this can easily be set aside until we 'have time'.

Well done!!!

Nov 2, 2012 from Lynne

Excellent idea. An Executive Summary for the HR people. Patrick, would it be possible for you to do a first draft and I would be more than happy to help.

Nov 3, 2012 from Patrick

Thanks Deborah for your feedback. I have added the "he/she" gender neutrality in our next revision of the document (revision #2). And thanks Lynne for your offering to be the first to review my first draft of the Executive Summary. Here it is:

Executive Summary
The current lack of a standardized measuring tool for soft skills makes raising such skills difficult. Think, for example, of what ISO has done in raising standards of the many industrial and business processes in the last couple of decades. IITTI is exactly like ISO, but for soft skills, particularly with a focus on corporate appearance, behaviour and communication. By demanding new hires to have certification from IITTI, your company can pre-screen job candidates who already showed awareness and a certain level of competency in these skills. Not only will you save money from duplicating such training, you also enhance your employer's branding.

Don't hesitate to tear it apart if necessary,

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