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Nov 14, 2011 Decision -- Kimberly, Lynne, Christina, Riet, Deborah: policing schools


Nov 15, 2011 From Patrick: Do we want to "police" image training schools before we admit their students to write the IITTI exams? That is, do we want image training schools to pre-qualify by attaining certain criteria before we would let their students write our exams?

The initial thinking was that we would stipulate image training schools to need to have at least one permanent resident AICI consultant with at least an FLC level before they can send students to our tests. But after analysis, it was clear that this would unnecessarily alienate other equally competent and reputable image or etiquette schools (e.g. Protocol School of Washington, Emily Post Institute, etc.) in using the IITTI standard. This would neither be fair, inclusive nor good for business.

The other issue if we start such stipulation, we would essentially be accrediting schools. And with accreditation, we would need to police them! This would be something veering away from what we set out to do with IITTI, namely a standard for image testing, not accrediting schools.

To bring a long story short, we ended up seeing that we should not stipulate schools to have any requirement. However, we may recommend schools to have a certain level of credentials, but not mandate it. This would stay true to the model used by SAT, TOEFL or IELTS , namely, anybody can challenge the exam, and if they pass, they will get the certification.

Consensus: Kimberly, Lynne, Christina, Riet,and Deborah agreed that we should NOT accredit schools. For example, Christina said,

I am in favour of not stipulating that schools must have certain requirements.

This exam really needs to be to a wider base. It's not only good business sense, but it seems to me the fairest thing. Realistically, accreditation and policing image schools will take effort and resources that we cannot afford to spread thin.

The standard of IITTI exams for image testing, along with good marketing, is where we can and should stay focused to develop and build a good reputation.

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