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Nov21, 2013 Meeting Outcomes

  1. Approved discussion points from October meeting.

  1. Confirmed October meeting action steps complete. See details below and in agenda items.

    1. Completed action item - Kimberly reviewed the 25+ additional question pool questions and added comments. Kimberly requested that those directors who haven’t reviewed the questions please do so.

    2. Completed action item - Riet confirmed that she reviewed current and pending additional 25 level one business personal appearance questions and separate gender specific questions. She presented a spread sheet to demonstrate the separation. It was determined that there are more male oriented questions than female questions. Riet has volunteered to create female versions of the male questions. Lynne will work with her on this task. Patrick and Greenwood will make changes to the first level exam for gender based testing.

  1. Finalised and approved IITTI Basic Level 1 Standards & Guidelines. Patrick to format new version and update with updated version.

New Discussion: Lynne proposed that the IITTI Basic Level 1 Standards & Guidelines should be sold rather than given away. Discussion tabled to be continued online until the December meeting.

    1. Completed action item - Deborah to merge pg. 25,25,27 of learning outcomes sections Good Manners- Everyday into Section: Business Mistakes and other applicable sections.

    2. Completed action item - Lynne & Christina will reformate and reword IITTI Basic Level 1 Standards & Guidelines to enhance document credibility to trainers and public.

  1. New discussion: Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI (Christina and Lynne) Discussion tabled to be continued online until December meeting

  1. Finalised and approved Student and Trainer FAQ’ s for website. Patrick to format new version and update with updated version.

    1. Completed action item - Lynne, Christina, Patrick and Kimberly reported that they reworked Student and Trainer FAQ’ s for website. Document was discussed at meeting and with a few minor changes was approved as complete. Patrick to update FAQ’s on website with updated version.

  1. Continued discussion about exam fees. Discussed staging the pricing over time as per Lynne’s email. Discussion to continue online until December meeting.

Finalize, vote and approve #5 on Business Strategy (working copy) Finalize costs and cost structure for level 1 exam.

On-line request for document name change: After the meeting Kimberly emailed a request to the Directors to approve a name Change to the S&G Document from IITTI Basic Level 1 Standards & Guidelines to IITTI Level 1 Standards & Guidelines for consistency in the title for the new approved exam title ‘Level 1 Exam’. Directors voted to approve name change via email.

Actions Steps due for December Meeting:

  1. Riet has volunteered to create female versions of the male questions. Lynne will work with her on this task. Patrick and Greenwood will update first level exam and required technology for gender based testing.

  2. Continue online discussion re: exam pricing agenda item 6 above.

  3. Continue online discussion re: S&G pricing

  4. Continue online discussion re: Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI

  5. Patrick to update Intranet with meeting minutes/ documentation formatting and web changes

Next meetings scheduled: Dec. 10th at 6:30 am Pacific Vancouver time. Via conference call line. Note: Lynne has requested to change the meeting to December 20th at 6:30 am Pacific time due to travel conflict. To be confirmed.

Please note: we are going to use conference line

Call 1-559-670-1000 (Canada) 1-209-255-1000 (US) +31-(0)20322-3050 Netherlands

Participant: 446046# (please remind Kimberly to record the call and end recording)

Draft Agenda

  1. Approve discussion points above from November 21st meeting

  2. Confirm and Approve completion of action steps above

  3. Conclude online discussion- Marketing Idea to Gain HR Adoption of IITTI (Christina and Lynne)

  4. Conclude and finalise tabled & online discussion re: S&G pricing

  5. Finalize, vote and approve #5 on Business Strategy (working copy) Finalize costs and cost structure for level 1 exam.

  6. Continue with September 4th agenda items 2-4 as time allows

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