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Nov 27, 2012 Guidelines and Criteria for educators / consumers

Nov 27, 2012 from Patrick

There is an inquiry from a Caribbean university. I can answer most questions except where they ask whether they can have their university logo on the IITTI certificate as well. What do you think?

Nov 27, 2012 from Lynne

I think IITTI would be the body allowed to issue the certification after candidates have passed the exam. The paper certificate would have our logo on top. The university would issue their own certificates of completion if the candidate has taken the courses.

This opens up an interesting question of collaboration. Just brainstorming: how would the university want to collaborate with IITTI? As we don't offer training programs, they can't say that their programs have been sanctioned or reviewed by us. If institutes and the like are members of IITTI what would they get as members?

Would it be useful for IITTI to offer Image and Etiquette Guidelines and Criteria for educators to follow?

Any other ideas on collaboration so that it's a win/win for us and them?

Nov 28, 2012 from Kimberly

I agree with what Lynne said below regarding the certificates. I also believe that some kind of collaboration would be a win-win.

Regarding 'Would it be useful for IITTI to offer Image and Etiquette Guidelines and Criteria for educators to follow?'

Isn't this the purpose of the learning outcomes? This document contains everything that someone would need to know in order to pass the basic exam.

Nov 28, 2012 from Lynne

Yes I agree our LO documents should be the gold standard for Educators. I was just wondering what we were going to call it and how to market it. For example, IACET sold a book that we all followed as our CEU bible. I am assuming that ours will be free online.

Nov 29, 2012 from Kimberly

It is my understanding that this will be free and available to anyone who requests it.

However, later on it might be an idea for the group to collaborate and publish a more in-depth training guide that could be sold through the site.

I am open to ideasJ

Nov 29, 2012 from Patrick

As complete as our LO's document is, it is extremely boring without pictures or any anecdotal comments. It doesn't tell any stories, nor does it go into the reasoning or history of any of the etiquette points. I believe there are two (2) books that someone can write.

1.) For educators - how to teach students, with teaching methodologies, curriculum/scheduling/marketing/pricing cut and sliced based on IITTI's three levels. This is a "train the trainer" book.

2.) For the consumers - a tutorial book that can be used as a self-help book or part of a classroom text book

My two bits,

Nov 29, 2012 from Deborah

What if we collaborate and write something like this?

Nov 29, 2012 from Kimberly

This sounds good to me.

Dec 1, 2012 from Lilian

I think it would be a great idea what you are proposing, also with representatives pictures or drawing to catch better the idea. Maybe we can form a task force for each book and design the pictures that should be in each chapter. It's amazing to see how this project is raising!!

Dec 2, 2012 from Riet

I must say I am not sure about the book.

We started this project as a tool for certified image consultants (or image consultants with a certain level of expertise) to grow their business. Create a demand for training on image and etiquette. And it would be open source.

I would say immediately yes to a guide (e-book) on "how to" prepare people for the certification exam. But not the "what to", as this is already compiled in the learning outcomes. Trainers will need to train their students from their own perspective, within their cultural circumstances. If other people start writing books on the topic, of course they can. But I don't think we should.

Also AICI is starting a guides series on several cultural topics. Let's support that project, I would suggest.
That way we stick to the intentions of this project.

Please feel free to agree or not...


Dec 3, 2012 from Lynne

I went to IACET's website www.IACET.org to see what they offer for free and what you have to pay for.

They offer a free downloadable Accreditation Guide ebook and a free Authorized Provider timeline and plan of action. Both these are directly linked to becoming an Authorized Provider which is IACET's main product.

All other publications, webinars, online training, workshops and application packages need to be paid for and are on a variety of topics about the CEU and information on development of training programs. It's very thorough but IACET is at least 40+ years old. Things have even become much more credible sine I was President in 1996-7. So as with AICI and all associations, IITTI will evolve.

In our case, the main product are the exams so

1. We could offer a simple guide to everything the exam will test. We have that now although it's not a very interesting read and if anything we could make this look a bit more appealing and flesh it out.

2. The other thing I think we will be asked repeatedly to provide is a list of training courses on image and etiquette for the general public. This is going to be difficult to compile on an international basis and I wouldn't know where to look for this information worldwide. I don't think AICI knows that information either. But it is inevitable that people will ask. Failing the local training programs, can we provide a reading list, blogs, articles.... anything else?

I think the self-help book and the educators guide are wonderful ideas but I suggest that we tackle 1 and 2 above before thinking of the other publications at this early stage. I'm sure we will be asked to provide these and other publications down the road.


Dec 3, 2012 from Deborah

These are all great ideas. I do think we should work in a more systematic process and table other ideas for review once we have completed earlier steps. Many of these elements will be self evident as we progress.

Dec 4, 2012 from Patrick

Thanks Lynne for doing the research on IACET. We could definitely learn a few things from them. The two points from Lynne:

1.) Simple guide. This guide is exactly what we need for the Singaporean pilot as well. I had suggested a one-page itemized list of etiquette points; this can be taken from our LO's. I will get one out in a week or so.

2.) List of training courses. As nobody has courses based on the IITTI Exam yet, it may rest on ourselves to start designing training offerings based on IITTI.


How about this? If we emulate IACET, ISO, AICI and other non-profits, we can, later on, have an extra "Store" link on our website where any books, courses, etc. can be promoted and sold. If any of us (and others) want to get organized to write a book on IITTI, it will be organized as a private, commercial endeavour outside the regular business of IITTI.

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