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Sep 26, 2013 IITTI Business Strategy

Agenda Item 1 (Business Strategy)

IITTI strives to be seen as a high quality, consistent product and brand

What IITTI is:

We develop and provide a standardized 1) Business etiquette; 2) Business/ Social etiquette - testing system

  • Short Term - North America Standards (along with internationally accepted standards of western culture)

  • Long Term – other regions

What IITTI is not:

  • Training end users is not part of IITTI’s current role.

  • Trainers who wish to include IITTI certification will need to develop their own training program to conform with IITTI standard.

  • IITTI does not police trainers; nor does IITTI advocate specific trainers.

What IITTI provides to assist:

  • IITTI will provide the Standards and Guidelines document (previously called Learning Outcomes) free of charge to trainers who wish to include the IITTI exam system as a training/ evaluation tool.

  • IITTI will provide IITTI marketing tools (i.e. logo, research data, etc.) to trainers who wish to promote the benefits of the IITTI certification as one of their training tools

  • IITTI will educate the public on steps to take for due diligence in finding a trainer that supports the IITTI Standard.

Main Strategy - Product Launch at AICI Conference 2015

Officially launch the IITTI Basic Level Exam as a training / evaluation tool at the AICI Global Conference 2015.

  • This product will be marketed to etiquette trainers and consultants as a tool that will add credibility to their end-user training programs.

  • This will likely precede by several soft launches beforehand to test the product, collect research data for marketing purposes over the next two years.

It was determined that the following must be completed for AICI Product Launch:


  • Content completion (200 question pool/ standards & guidelines)

  • Technical software system set-up for random question selection within each category

  • Content consistency (standards & guidelines vs. question pool)

  • Packaging (to entice industry professionals / end users)

Marketing Internal & External (Distribution/ Promotion)

  • Plan (how are we going to get there / consistency -speak with one voice)

    • Market Research Data Collection

    • Packaging Product and Brand (look, feel, consistency)

    • Online resources / documents / tools - for advocacy / trainers / participants / employers

    • Marketing / Sales Tools- for trainers – specifically targeting AICI members

  • Development & Execution of above

Funding for AICI Launch

  • Funding strategy marketing / conference booth must be in place by September 2014

Due Date: Above must be completed by April 1, 2015 for AICI Launch

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